I really love these maps. This is how I plan my summer holidays. Find the hotel and then hidden beaches (on Greek coasts, usually). It is useful for my Geography lessons, since I often talk to students about history and they need to imagine where some events happened. It will be amusing to see photos of these times and what is it now. I often say to my students that they live on centuries of history and that there is hardly any place in Belgrade (Serbia) where anything historical did not happen.
I have used Google Earth a lot in classes over the years (it's just about to turn 5-years old). However, it's only been in the last couple of years that it's been easy enough for students to use as a platform for co-constructing information. This is where the REAL power of Google Earth resides for Education. It won't change what you are trying to teach, but it will certainly change how they are able to present their understanding and creativity as well as who they reach. As you have pointed out, platforms such as Earth and Maps are very useful and improves our lives. When students contribute to this usefulness, it adds a sense of efficacy and therefore purpose and pride to the time they spend learning. Instead of just turning up to school to learn, they gain a sense of contributing to and influencing society.