Ok, reflection: I use Gmail for a quite long time and I am ok with it. What I dont like is the way I move in it, but I got used to it.
As for Gdocs, I like shared docs, I found it very useful, and it can be a good tool for my classes.
Blogging is a new thing to me. I need more time to make it look as I would really like. I would like to use it a s a classroom tool, although I got used to Moodlic, and I could do a lot with it.
Holy smokes - six posts already. You might be new to this, but you'll have it worked out in no time at this rate!! Some people were born to blog, I think you might be one of them :)
ОдговориИзбришиThanks Paul. I Would like to do a real one for the future. I have so much I could use with my students. It is harder for meto do it in English, and in the future I will need one like Janice has - a great inspiration for students.